Game # - 115 - Sep 17, 2024
NVASA | Fall 2024 | D1 (Coed)
Goonies FC VS Victorious Secret
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106 - MANAGE Injured Reserve 0 : 6 Goonies FC Tue 08/27/2024 9:00 PM
107 - MANAGE MicroStrategy VS Goonies FC Tue 09/03/2024 9:00 PM
111 - MANAGE Goonies FC VS Jackson's FC Tue 09/10/2024 9:00 PM
115 - SELECTED Goonies FC VS Victorious Secret Tue 09/17/2024 9:00 PM
120 - MANAGE Goonies FC VS Breaking Bad Tue 10/01/2024 9:00 PM
103 - MANAGE Bust a Net VS Goonies FC Tue 10/08/2024 9:00 PM

My Futbollife | Local Soccer Players Hub

  • Search Players

    You are able to search local players and invite them to your team.

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  • Create your team

    You can create a team and be the manager. You can transfer or invite your friends to your team just entering his email.

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  • Rate Players You Know

    You can rate players you played against with with a easy system.

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  • Transfer Players

    You can easily transfer players from real transfer market. You can send offers & recieve offers.

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  • Message Players

    Once you find your player, you can easily message the player to join you team or play a game for your team in any leagues you playing.

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  • Team Rating System

    Your team will get a rating according to your player rating. Better players you have better team rating you will get.

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  • Create / Participate Games

    You can create a friendly game or a pickup game. You are also able to see what games has been created than Join in to play. Good way to orginize a practice or have fun with soccer players around your area.

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